Thursday, October 22, 2009

Keeping Track

When one's sleep schedule gets off-kilter, it's easy to mix one's up and down, one's days and nights, the order they come in and where exactly you are in the grand scheme of things.

This is not a good place to be in while looking for work.

So I've been kicking my ass back into some semblance of a normal sleep schedule, somewhat succeeding last night by getting to bed at six at night and waking up at four in the morning. Hmm. Well, perhaps normal for the extremely elderly. Perhaps I should get a Hoveround and start hanging out at my local buffet. In order to keep track of where I am and what I'm doing, I've been reduced to filling out a little form every day just to make sure I do everything I have to:
Wake-Up Time:
Exercise(s) Performed:
Food Consumed:
Jobs Applied for:
Time Spent Writing:
Went to Bed at:

I think that once I get into the habit of filling this out, it'll be a little easier for me to lead a life based on pattern, despite my unemployment.

It's funny how without going to school or having a job one ends up in this sort of free-fall, and it's so hard to get out of once you're there. I'd rather set myself aright again by going to school, then adding work to that, but alas, we can't always get what we want.

On the bright side, though, Glen Ivy again in a week or so. A post-birthday, post-wedding soak in a nice mineral bath followed by sun-warmed mud and exfoliation! Pure joy. Hell, that may be all I need to get back on the right track. It's odd, talking about myself this way. I don't normally discuss the mundane day-to-day doings of myself online. I don't think anyone cares. I don't even think anyone reads this blog, but it's good to get this stuff out from time to time.

Monday, October 19, 2009

And so we got married.

Photo by Andre Nguyen - visit

It was very lovely.

Photo by Andre Nguyen -

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Where are my mugs?

Final (hopefully) Update: 9/17/09 - I got my replacement mugs today via UPS, and they were nice enough to send me eight mugs to replace my two missing ones, so I have a few extras now just in case. Thank you,, for fixing my problem - I just hope that nobody else has to experience this in the future. I also hope your customer service personnel have learned a lesson in handling customers from this experience.

Original post:

I'm pretty frustrated at this point. I ordered 96 mugs from as wedding favors. My initial shipment of 96 mugscame in two boxes. Problem was, though, that I only received 60 of my 96 mugs split between these two boxes. Two 12-packs in one box, 3 12-packs in another. I waited a few days, just in case more boxes were coming, before sending in a ticket to's customer service department. Within 24 hours I received notice that they were rushing an order through for the remaining 36 mugs for me.

I finally received the rest of my mugs two weeks later. I set aside some time to go through all the boxes and checked for damaged mugs. Unfortunately, I had not taken the time to go through all the boxes from the initial shipment before I received the rest of the mugs. This was a problem, as I found a serious issue with one of the 12-packs in the initial shipment:

Two mugs were missing out of one of the cases from the initial shipment of mugs and had been replaced with packing material! In my mind, shorting me once could have been an honest mistake. But having done it twice? Not just in missing boxes sent to me, but by deliberately hiding that some mugs were missing? There was absolutely no mention of these missing mugs. No note in the package, nothing to indicate I was shorted two mugs.

Damage happens. I understand that! I wouldn't have minded receiving a few chipped mugs. I would have been okay with it if there was a note in the package saying "Oops, sorry, two of your mugs broke during packing!" I haven't even brought up the one chipped mug I have found in my messages to customer service. I don't really care about that. But outright not delivering the item I ordered? If you're not going to give the customer the product they ordered and paid for, you need to make it right by either giving them what they need or refunding them.

Adding fuel to the fire was this response I got from their customer service about my issue:

Comment By : Johanna
Bel, Incorporated
6905 N.W. 25 Street
Miami, Fl 33122

Comment : Note that this was done in order to avoid that the glasses would shift during shipment and cause the entire case to broken.

Do you have any other issues with the order received or if it was received in good condition.

We apologize for the confusion.

No comment on the fact that had the two mugs that were supposed to be there been in that box, there would have been no need to fill it with packing material. No apology for the fact that I was shorted on my order. That's just terrible service.

I sent them a response to this ticket six days ago asking that I either receive my missing mugs or that I be allowed to speak with this rep's supervisor. I sent them another ticket today informing them if I don't receive my order in full, I will be issuing a chargeback.

I know it's just two mugs. If it had only been these two mugs and not the prior issue shorting me 36 mugs, I probably would have ignored it. But this is ridiculous., get your act together.

I finally received a response to my customer service ticket today:
Comment By : Nimet
Bel, Incorporated
6905 N.W. 25 Street
Miami, Fl 33122

Comment : I believe that it is more clear that what you have stated is that you are 'missing' 2 glasses..

We will replace the missing items immediately at no charge to you.

Note that there are no notes on the account stating that the order was shorted '2' items..

We are very sorry for the 'shortage'.


Cust Svc

Date : 09-06-2009 08:57am

Wow, nice of them to send me a response now that I'm threatening a chargeback. I like how they rub it in that it was 2 mugs, as if to say, "Well, it's only two mugs!" That's not the point. The point is that I was shorted product not once but twice. That's unacceptable if it happens once. Putting 'missing' and 'shortage' in quotes like that make it seem like they don't give a crap about the fact I was not given the product I paid for. Maybe they should have put 'Cust Svc' in quotes too, it's barely that.

Still, it's good that they say they will be sending me replacement mugs. I'm not going to count my chickens before they've hatched, though. I may still not get the mugs. I'm still pissed about the way my issue has been handled (or rather, not handled for so long).

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Musical Adventure. Act One, Scene One.

Si je t'aime, prends garde à toi!

Translation: If I fall in love with you, you best watch your ass.

I used to sing every day. I sang in choir in school at various levels, traveled to China to sing in a vocal jazz combo. Beyond hanging around with one of my friends who sang a bit of opera and trying out a few of her arias, I have never been an opera singer.

These days, I find myself not singing nearly as much as I would like that. I've decided that all that is going to change. I'm going to pick up singing again, and I'm going to do it by poking out into a realm of the voice that I have only ever feared and respected. I'm starting with watching a lot of videos of singers doing what they do best. It began with some Mozart, specifically Die Zauberflöte, as my first excursions into opera as a child under the influence of my mother's taste in music. Therein lay vocal acrobatics that I'm fairly certain I will never be able to perform:

I am not so crazy as to jump right in and tell the world how der hölle rache kocht in meinem herzen, but I do want to set for myself a goal that will push me a bit. I just want it to be, y'know. Doable.

And so, the Habanera! Properly, it is called "L'amour est un oiseau rebelle" or "Love is a rebellious bird". So, what makes a good Habanera good versus a bad one? I'm not a trained musician, and I don't have the experience an opera critic does. That being said, here is the one I consider to be the best of the bunch:

This is the yardstick by which I measure the other renditions of this aria. Maria Callas, called La Divina by her admirers, of which I am certainly one. She is so expressive - her breaths seem to be little exclamation points in her singing, she pulls out little nuances in the notes that just tug at your heart.

In my wildest dreams, I am half the singer she was. And so I begin to practice.

Friday, August 22, 2008


This is not my normal insomnia, in which I am tired but something will not allow me to settle, and I spur myself on until I am utterly exhausted and collapse on the bed. No, I am wide awake, and it is now 9AM. My man has woken up and is now in the shower, preparing for the new day. My insomnia normally afflicts me in times of depression, when I lay about all day and do nothing, I find my sloth has lead to a guilt that keeps me awake. Yesterday was a good day, though - I was busy and did quite a bit around the house, took a nice walk to the store in the rain, and didn't spend a lot of time larking about on the computer. When I lay down to go to sleep, I found my eyes open and my body restless. I read for a while, got up and fixed myself a snack, read some more, then gave up at about 7AM or so and got on the computer to check the morning news. It is 9AM as I write this.

There's only two things I can think of that are keeping me so buzzed. The first is that I had some coffee earlier, and though caffeine used to have no effect on me, I have been unintentionally avoiding it for quite a long time. However, this was just a coffee-flavored beverage, really - a frappuccino from Starbucks hardly qualifies as real coffee, and on top of that I finished it off at 4:30PM.

The second and more likely cause is that earlier David Bowie's 'Five Years' came up on my iPod as I was walking home, and I was struck with a memory I never experienced myself. It was a story told to me by my mother and sister after my father died. They visited him in the nursing home he would eventually die in, and brought with them a CD player and a copy of 'The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust'. My father, mostly incoherent and unable to remember much of anything at the time, bobbed his head along with the rhythm and even tried to sing along, though he garbled the words a bit. I can see it, hear it as if I had been in the room with them, picture the pained look on my father's face as he tried so hard to sing along -

'And all the fat, skinny people
And all the tall, short people
And all the nobody people
And all the somebody people
I never thought I'd need so

I see him in a hospital gown, the kind that ties in the back - it is a light blue and patterned in little clusters of four dark-red circles that form the corners of a square turned onto its side. Only one tube coming out of his arm this time. He is whithered and shrunken, as he was the last time I saw him. He is in bed, but the bed is tilted to an angle closer to sitting than laying down. A thin blanket a dustier shade of blue than the hospital gown covers his legs, along with a white sheet. He is not wearing his glasses, and his hair seems so thin. His hands form loose fists, and he looks on the verge of tears. Though he can't quite make the right words, he sings along with passion. I have been haunted by this image, the sound of my father's voice as he sang for the last time. He sang for the last time, and I wasn't even there to hear him.

I resolved to write about his illness and death, perhaps as a semi-autobiographical work with names and situations changed to protect the innocent participants and bystanders in my life. Besides, it would have to be fictionalized, because even if my mother or sister told me I had gotten the scene I described above wrong, I would have to put it down as I see it. Sometimes here I will fabricate something entirely because it helps.

2/28/2006, 3AM: I wake up sick. I stumble, still half-asleep to the bathroom. As I am violently ridding myself of the offending toxin, I hear my phone ring. I only halfway register it. Once it stops ringing I realize that there is only one reason someone would call me so damn late, and I check the message. A voice I do not know says, "This is the nursing home, please call us back right away." I already know what happened, and it is confirmed when I call the unfamiliar voice back. Seven years from now, when he loses his mother, he will think of all the times he told people they had lost their mother, their father, their daughter or son. Maybe he thinks of this call. I call my mother, who has already spoken to them. We sob incoherently together.

My boyfriend at that time holds me and strokes my hair, saying nothing, which is exactly what I need. A few months from tonight I will leave him though he's done me no wrong, but tonight I can't even fathom that possibility. After he goes back to bed, I play Katamari Damacy in the living room and cry. Sometimes I can do nothing but cry. I call in to work, tell them I won't be there. In less than a year, they will fire me for missing so much work, but I don't care right now.

Coming back to the here and now, I am approaching 33 hours awake. I have come back to this story bit by bit throughout my day, adding a little here, changing a bit there. I have yet to have the urge to sleep, yet I know I ought to. I will wait for my man to come home from work. I will have a lovely dinner ready for him, and he will smile. But first I know I have to finish this story. How will I know when it has ended, or what it will be called? When I first started typing, I called it 'Sleepless', just to give the computer something to remember it by, a mnemonic device that is not its true name. I will find it and the end of my story somewhere along the day, which flows past like a swift-moving river, and I hardly noticing. My internet connection has been shoddy all day, and earlier, my keyboard broke. Perhaps my computer is telling me something. But no, no, I am not yet finished and I must not, I cannot stop.

It is evening, it is 7:30PM and the rain has stopped for now. Earlier the sky lamented and tore itself apart, but now it is only gray. Earlier, as I was facing the morning, the bugs buzzed in their trees, dry and active. Buzz buzz bugs, buzz bugs buzz bugs bugs. Now they are too damp to sing their one-note mating song, they've had their desires doused via downpour.

I left this post as it was months ago as a draft, and now I will publish it as 'Sleepless', despite the fact that the title doesn't quite fit.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Garbage in hand, I stepped outside and immediately my ears picked up on something odd. It sounded like heavy rain on a tin roof, and it was coming from somewhere nearby. I felt no rain against my skin, and so I assumed it couldn't be raining, though the air hung heavy with humidity as if it could rain at any moment. Looking up, I saw that just across the parking lot, it was pouring rain. Yet here I stood, dry as bone with garbage in hand. I watched, amazed, seeing very clearly where the rain stopped along the asphalt. I came to my senses and dashed to the dumpster, throwing my garbage away. Just as I came back under the awning of my apartment, the rain had moved to my half of the parking lot, and the crack of thunder rolled in from an unseen spike of lightning somewhere far off.

Friday, March 7, 2008

I woke up feeling like I missed something

Last night I had a dream, where we ran into each other after a long time. We talked as if no time at all had passed, as if we were still friends. I told you how worried I was about you, and you nodded sadly, already knowing what I was going to say. We held each other as we once did, as friends, as siblings. Heat of the summer sun, laying back on your bed in your parent's house with the air conditioner on us. We were once so close, I called you my twin. I know that our separation is my own fault, that I am the one who left. I can't help but think how right you were when you finally told me you loved me - how you said you were afraid to take it there, because it might end our friendship. You were right, of course, but what I think we both didn't understand at the time was that our love for each other, though unsaid at the time, would have affected our friendship anyways. It already had. If we never moved in together, if we'd not gone up to work at the Company - things would be different than they are now, to be sure, but our friendship would still have changed. Whether for better or for worse, we'll never know.

I want you to be happy, and I fear for the misery yet to come. I only hope when you hold her, that she makes you smile. I hope that the coming change, though unexpected and even unwanted, will end in happiness for both of you.

In my dream, your hair was still longer than mine, and I brushed it as we talked. I brushed your hair, and we were twins again. I miss you so very much, and I'll probably never get the nerve to tell you directly. I cry as I write this, because I know you'll probably never read it. I'm not unhappy with my man, and I love him as much as I say I do and more. But I miss my friend, and though I know I couldn't have had both, I wish somehow I could.

Does it hurt too much to talk to me? Or do you just not want to associate with me? You probably hate me now, and are too nice to say so. I wish you would call me, though I know if my phone rings, it won't be you on the other end.